RED V. BLUE is a one-of-a-kind basketball movie about the Louisville Cardinals—Kentucky Wildcats college hoops rivalry, one of the hottest rivalries in sports today.
RED V. BLUE producers Adam Lefkoe and Wade Smith presented the basketball movie business plan to the Louisville Venture Connectors today. For the occasion, we released “Red V. Blue: Cultural Warfare,” a new promotional teaser for the documentary, featuring Pat Forde, Mike Rutherford, Matt Jones, and more.
Red V. Blue: Cultural Warfare from Rory Owen Delaney on Vimeo.
The new RED V. BLUE trailer was so well received, that Louisville Business First elected to interview producer Adam Lefkoe for their publication.
Among the day’s other highlights, Adam and Wade hooked up with B. Stille, an original member of the Nappy Roots and founder of Birdgang Clothing. B agreed to an interview and offered to make some music for us. Thanks, B!
Wade also showed off our exclusive line of RED V. BLUE merchandise, including t-shirts, ballcaps, fleece jackets, golf shirts, umbrellas, and more.
Adam Lefkoe, B. Stille and Wade Smith
In other news, Forbes Magazine named the Louisville Cardinals the most valuable college basketball team with an estimated value of 36 million dollars. Expect this number to rise after Louisville joins the ACC. Fifth on the list was the Kentucky Wildcats, valued at $24.4 million dollars. Expect this number to rise once the Wildcats finally get luxury corporate boxes in Rupp Arena.
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